Welcome to the official homepage of Lopster. Lopster is a filesharing client that formerly connected to the Napster network only. Basic IRC support was available too.
While development of Lopster based on gtk+-1.2.x is discontinued, a new program Lopster II based on gtk+-2.x is created which aims to be a multi-protocol client. There's currently no release yet, but support for Opennap/Slavanap, DirectConnect and Soulseek already is available on cvs.
Lopster II will be able to download one file from different networks.
For screenshots visit this page.
Lopster II can either be downloaded from cvs or you can use this
source code snapshot from 29/Apr/2007.
Current status of Lopster II
Lopster Core
97% (Sep 26th, 2006)
Plugin OpenNap
92% (Jan 21th, 2006)
Plugin SoulSeek
80% (Apr 29th, 2007)
Plugin DirectConnect
90% (Sep 26th, 2006)
Plugin eDonkey2000
Plugin Gnutella
Plugin BitTorrent
30% (Sep 26th, 2006)
Plugin Last.fm
5% (Jun 16th, 2007)
Plugin xxx
(Legend: released , cvs only , planned , inactive , discontinued )